The Voice to Parliament

On October 14th, we have a unique opportunity to participate in a pivotal moment in Australia's history. It's an invitation to vote for a significant change in our Constitution – one that acknowledges and respects the First Nations Peoples of this land by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

How each of us responds to this invitation is deeply personal. I understand the importance of raising awareness and fostering understanding so that every Australian voter can make a well-informed decision in the upcoming Referendum.

As a business and an individual, I proudly stand behind the Uluru Statement from the Heart. I wholeheartedly support the initiative for a First Nations Voice to be enshrined in our Constitution and have a say in our nation's policies and legal decisions.

I believe that this decision is a crucial step forward for our nation. It not only acknowledges our shared history but also paves the way for empowering First Nations peoples and communities today and for generations to come.

I firmly believe that these issues are intrinsically tied to building a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous future for all Australians. The upcoming Referendum is a vital part of this narrative.

I’ve compiled a collection of valuable resources for your reference. If you haven't already, I strongly encourage you to listen to the Uluru Statement of the Heart. It captures the deep pain of our nation's history while also outlining the hopes and aspirations of First Nations Peoples.


In May 2017, over 250 Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander delegates from all points of the Southern Sky gathered in Mutitjulu, in the shadow of Uluru and put their signatures on a historic statement. Read the Statement here.

I borrowed a handful of helpful resources to help stay informed on the Voice to Parliament from Australian Ethical Super: 

Build support: Messaging strategies to build transformative change with Passing the Message Stick.

Read: The Conversation: Your Questions Answered on the Voice to Parliament

Listen: The Voice Referendum Explained Podcast by the ABC 

Fact Check: AAP Fact Check articles on the Voice to Parliament

Watch: The Voice to Parliament Handbook by Thomas Mayo and Kerry O’Brien

Get involved: Volunteer with a local community group

Marnie Hawson

A purpose first photographer, increasing impact for those making a difference.

Voice to Parliament,


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